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Unless you have purchased a show quality Bichon Frise puppy and desire to raise a litter of puppies, your preference as to the sex of your puppy is strictly a personal choice. On the whole both sexes make equally good pets. Unless you want a truly cuddly companion puppy then consider a male. It is my experience and that of the other breeders that I have contacted about this gender difference. We all agree that MALE Bichon puppies make cuddlier pets. The other breeders that I contacted all agree that the males they owned liked to lay around just being held and cuddled while the girls were more reserved and aloof. This is in no way saying that girls don't like to get a hug or kiss but they tend to be more moody about it and it is strictly on their terms. They can also be positively snooty if they have been slighted, where the boys just forgive for a belly rub. The girls seemed to be disturbed by the extra heat and couldn't get comfortable after a short while and like to get their attention with their feet on the ground. Monty, on the other hand is the cuddliest dog I have ever met. He just thinks it's his due and has quite an attitude about it. The girls like to hug and cuddle for a minute but they are more independent that the boys. I guess it is because girl puppies become future mom's and the Monty's of the world only have to be cute and cuddly, irresponsible bits of attitude. Life wouldn’t be the same without my white “lap-mop”, Monty. Mysti is a quiet doll; she is gentle, quiet and aloof. Sassy Rose is always outgoing and the champ of happiness. Katie is ever the quiet lady while Lacy and Suzie are still happy-go-lucky, noisy, bouncy young girls. Tess is the ever so sweet Grandmother. Still, none of my girls want to sit and just quietly cuddle on your lap like my Monty. Bugsy and Monty are both great listeners and wonderful lap companions. They will quietly lie there for as long as they can. Just soaking up the attention for the time when you have to move. Monty will always be our personality plus with a cuddle. Now that he has retired he is still the baby cuddle bunny like he were a tiny baby. Bugsy and Duke are now settling into adult hood with extra time to listen to my confidences and a great snuggle. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |